
Josephine’s Place officially opened on October 1, 2003, after nine months of research by the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth. The purpose of creating this storefront, drop-in space in the city of Elizabeth, was to serve the needs of women in an economically challenged area. Many women in the community had little or no knowledge of available resources or opportunities for interaction.
Our name honors Mother Josephine Marie O’Brien, who led the Sisters of Charity and made a great deal of positive change.

An Award-Winning Model
Since the beginning, Josephine’s Place has been an important part of the Elizabeth landscape, recognized as an asset by the City, the County, and the women who participate. As testament to its success and impact, it has become a model for other women’s centers and programs.
Josephine’s Place has received many awards and recognition including a Unity Achievement Award from the Union County Human Resources Commission. The Elizabethport Presbyterian Center recognized Josephine’s Place as a “Good Samaritan” during the annual Elizabethport Pride Parade and most recently ….(need to get info from Sheila – they are being honored in April)
“Providing a place where women can gather, Josephine's Place offers a unique location that builds trust, honesty and openness. Over the years, the City of Elizabeth has developed a close working relationship with Josephine’s Place and the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth who are committed to making a difference through education, advocacy, and collaboration.”
J. Christian Bollwage, Mayor, City of Elizabeth

A Welcoming, Warm Space
Josephine’s Place goal is to provide women with a safe place, where they are welcomed, where they can connect with one another and develop skills to succeed.
When Josephine’s Place opened, the prominent question that continues to resound today is, “what do the women in the city of Elizabeth need?” Women have and continue to inform the activities and services we offer, sharing with the staff when there is a need in the community that we may be able to fill.
As a result, the programs and activities at Josephine’s Place are designed by the desires and needs of the women. When you visit, you may find women quilting, knitting, or engaged in conversation about gardening, the environment, or scrapbooking. You may find women teaching others skills they themselves have learned at Josephine’s Place. A dedicated cadre of volunteers also provides instruction in a variety of topics including computer literacy, crafts, English, and yoga.
In addition, support groups for survivors of domestic violence and parents of children with autism provide needed information and peer support.

“Josephine's Place has no story without the women. It's a gift of relationships and womanhood. It is a space where women are empowered and encouraged to continue to grow and dream.”
The hundreds of women who come to Josephine’s Place each year do so because they feel safe and know that they will receive help. It is a space where women are affirmed and children are embraced with the development of skills that complement the learning of the women.
Josephine’s Place serves as a link for women to resources in the community, including immigration services, food and housing assistance, and many others.